5 Reasons to Consider Insulated Roof Panels for Your Patio

When it comes to your patio, there are a number of reasons why you should be looking to invest in insulated roof panels.
25-30% of heat lost and gained across the seasons is through your roof/ceiling, making it an ideal place to begin your insulation project!
So why invest in insulated roof panels?
1) Comfort
Your patio is an extension of your home, so it makes sense that the comfort you experience indoors should be extended to your outdoor living area.
Insulated roof panels make this all the more possible, working in the background to keep excess heat out (or retain heat when it gets chilly), ensuring the ideal temperature is retained at any given time.
Convenience is also key here, as your insulated roof panels will do all of this on their own, without needing to be monitored or adjusted in order to maintain your comfort.
2) Noise Reduction
Not only do insulated roof panels help moderate temperature, they also absorb sound.
If you’ve got noisy neighbours, live in a busy street or you just want a little bit of shush when you’re enjoying time out on your patio – insulated roof panels are the way to go. Having this added layer of protection from unwelcome outside noise will make your patio an ideal place for both work and relaxation.
The absorption of sound works both ways (as in it applies to both the sounds inside and outside your patio). This means you won’t need to worry as much when it comes to having your private conversations heard or keeping the noise down when you host larger gatherings.
3) Cost
Insulated roof panels are one of the easiest and most efficient ways to slash your energy bill by lowering your energy consumption.
The installation of insulated roof panels reduces the need for usage of other heating and cooling appliances by helping to retain the desired temperature in your living space. This means you won’t be so quick to turn on the air-con!
With the cost of energy ever-rising, we are always looking for ways to decrease our usage and increase efficiency. Investing in insulation now, will help you save in the long-run.
4) Protection from the Elements
Durability is at the forefront of any home improvement project, particularly when it comes to insulated roof panels.
They’re light-weight but incredibly strong, and are built to withstand extreme weather conditions. In many cases, they are tested and approved for regions that experience cyclones.
Not only will your home look great with the addition of your patio, but also insulated roof panels are built to last, making them a worthy investment.
5) Increasing the Value of your Home
Investing in quality insulation will increase the resale value of your home.
Now, not everyone is in the market to sell their home at the moment, but it is certainly something to consider when you’re looking into installing a patio with insulated roof panels.
Insulated roof panels add an extra layer of comfort and quality to your patio, which will be of interest to potential buyers, especially in a competitive housing market.
Here at Patioland, we want to make sure that you install what’s best for you and your home. Thinking of installing insulated roof panels? Give our friendly consultants a call today on 02 9190 7041 or fill out our online enquiry form to learn more.
By Patioland | June 9, 2020 | Interview