Tiny patio with a comforting ambience

Preparing Your Patio Roof For A Change In Weather

Preparing Your Patio Roof For A Change In Weather

The Australian climate can at times be unforgiving. With little notice we can be exposed to periods of extended rain, high wind, and further unpredictable weather conditions.

In order to ensure your Patio Roof is well maintained and can continue to provide ongoing protection from any change in weather, it’s important to undertake some vital repair, protective and improvement steps.

Here at Patioland being in the business for over 35 years were experts at ensuring Patio Roofs are maintained in the best possible condition. We’ve put together this blog to ensure your patio is looking tip top, and is more than ready to keep providing you with vital ongoing outdoor protection.



From a repair perspective there are a number of practical steps you can take.


General Repair and Maintenance

Start by conducting a general inspection of your patio roof and the surrounding area. This will help you to identify its overall condition and whether any necessary repairs are required.

Make sure that you clear away any debris that might have accumulated on top of your roof, and if you do identify any cracks or holes, you can seal them up using caulk or sealant. It’s vital that any cracks are sealed promptly in order to prevent any future further damage that can be caused by high winds or rain. We don’t recommend sealing cracks themselves, Handyman is a better option and no caulk, it would be silicone.


Repair Dependent on Your Roof Type

Depending on your patio roof type, specialised repairs may be required. For example insulated roofs can absorb moisture if roofing vents are clogged for an extended period of time, The insulated roof is foam insulation not fibrous like in a house, it doesn’t absorb moisture. and similarly louvre opening roofs can require lubrication to repair the opening and closing mechanism.

If you require specialist repair advice on these roof types, here at Patioland we’re experts in the field and will be more than happy to give you more detailed tailored advice to address such matters. We do not do repairs or maintenance at all. A handyman is the better way to go. If a patio need repairs.


Electrical Repair

Make sure you check that any permanent electrical items such as lights and power points are in a good working condition and secure from the elements.

If you’re using any fairy lights or solar powered lights make sure these are safely secured and do not present any tripping hazards.



From a protection perspective the main preventive steps relate to tree and gutter maintenance.

The gutters on your home and your patio can become a collection point for all types of debris. If left unattended, not much time is required for a gutter to become blocked, resulting in overflow and the potential for further damage.

It’s important to create a safe and clean environment surrounding your patio. Firstly make sure that you trim back any overhanging tree branches that could damage your roof or gutters, if not attended to, these branches have the potential to create blockages and clogging.

Once you have done this, you should then clean your gutters, making sure they are clear of leaves and other obstructions. To provide ongoing protection you can install gutter guards to keep leaves and other debris from continually building up and further clogging up your gutters.



Finally, now that you have repaired and protected your patio roof, if you haven’t already done so, the installation of insulation panels provides a significant number of benefits to your patio area.

Insulated roof panels are a great way to keep your patio warm in the winter and cool during summer. They can be installed on top of an existing flat deck, or they can comprise the entire roof system itself. 

These types of panels use a continuous layer of insulation to prevent heat transfer. This is achieved by denying passage through both conduction and convection.

Roof insulation benefits include:

– Energy savings in winter and summer
– No mildew or condensation
– Heat-reflection from the roof
– Minimised exterior noise
– Space-saving, affordable structure
– Minimal ongoing maintenance


Further information on insulation panels can be found right here.

Your patio roof provides a significant number of benefits. Not only does it enhance your home’s overall aesthetic appeal, but it provides a vital level of protection from the elements.

However just like any other building structure, your patio roof can suffer from natural wear and tear. In order to make sure it’s well maintained and continue to provide you with ongoing protection it’s important to undertake some vital key steps.

Ensure you regularly undertake general repair and maintenance by performing visual inspections and fixing any identified cracks or holes. Depending on your roof type such as insulated roofs or louvre opening roofs, further specialised repairs may be required, and make sure you check that any permanent electrical items such as lights and power points are in a good working condition and secure from the elements.

From a protection perspective make sure you undertake regular tree and gutter maintenance, and consider installing gutter guards to keep leaves and other debris from building up and further clogging up your gutters. Finally if you haven’t already done so, it’s recommended to improve your roofing structure with insulated roofing panels, these panels are a great way to keep your house warm in the winter and cool during summer. 

We hope this blog has been informative, following the above identified simple steps and precautions will help to ensure that your patio roof can handle any change in weather, and continue to provide you with protection for many years to come.

If you require any further patio maintenance advice, or any other matters Patio related, don’t hesitate to contact the experts here at Patioland. We provide customised advice and all our roofing solutions are built to last.

For any of you Patio Roofing needs, why not contact us today.

By Patioland | July 14, 2022 | Blog