Six Reasons Why You Should Consider Metal Over Timber Patio Designs

An important decision you’ll need to make before starting your patio project is the material that you’re going to use. There are a few materials to choose from, with the most popular choices being metal and timber.
At Patioland, there are a few reasons we strongly recommend considering metal over timber patio designs. Of course, you can build a beautiful patio from either material, but those built using metal have a few features that tip the scales!
Less Maintenance
Metal patios are a lot less maintenance than timber patios, mostly because they are easier to clean! Cleaning a metal patio is simple and can be done using a pressure washer or a sponge and warm, soapy water.
As you can imagine, wooden patios are a lot more difficult to clean. Timber, unlike metal, is porous, so unless it is consistently sanded and re-lacquered, it can be susceptible to termite infestation and mould contamination.
Metal patios are the way to go, especially if you don’t have time to spend doing regular maintenance.
Metal lasts longer than timber, so it follows that a metal patio offers greater longevity than one made out of wood.
Metal patios are hardier than their timber counterparts when it comes to adverse weather conditions like wind and rain. Due to the malleable and porous nature of timber, it is more liable to warp. This can affect the overall quality of your patio as well as the desired aesthetic of your outdoor living area.
High sun exposure is also something that does not affect metal patios as much as it does timber ones. This is because our metal patios are made from coated steel, protecting them from erosion more effectively than treated timber, meaning they last longer. Timber patios are inclined to crack and fade as a result of intense heat which means more maintenance work for you! The durability offered by a metal patio makes them more cost-effective in the long-run.
Fire Rating
Safety is the most important thing to consider when doing any kind of home extension project. This is why it’s good to note that the fire rating on patios made out of metal is better when compared with ones made out of timber.
As many people use their patios as outdoor cooking and entertainment areas, metal patios are the better choice in this regard. Patios should be built with your safety and the safety of your family and guests in mind.
Wider Range of Colours
Aesthetically, using metal for your patio build enables you to choose from a wider range of colours! Colorbond’s palette is very diverse, so it’s easy for everyone to find something that suits their style and assimilates into the overall decor of their home.
Timber patio designs are a little more restrictive, in that there are only a certain number of lacquered, wooden hues available. Timber patios do not cater for as many different styles and designs as patios built using metal.
Metal Patios with a Timber Finish
If you’re sold on the durability and safety benefits of a metal patio but had your heart set on a timber finish – not to worry! Metal patio materials now come in a range of timber finishes, on top of Colourbond’s range of other colours.
This means that you can achieve the timber-look that you had in mind, while still investing in a patio that is built to last.
Saving Trees
Last, but certainly not least, building a metal patio means that you’re reducing your environmental impact by saving trees!
As we’ve already discussed, patios built using timber require regular maintenance and are more susceptible to damage. That means more trees will need to be cut down in order to service them.
Metal patios don’t present this dilemma. They’ll continue to look great and stand strong for years to come – no trees required!
Metal patios are superior to timber ones in that they are durable, come in a range of different colours and can even imitate the timber finish that you may know and love.
While timber patios are beautiful, they are just not as well equipped to withstand the elements (and the test of time) when compared with metal patios.
Have a question about your patio project? Need some advice on choosing the right materials? Get in touch with us today!
By Patioland | March 26, 2021 | Blog